There is no getting around the fact that long runs are crucial to a successful marathon training program.
1. Long runs do not have to be fast. They are about building "resistance to fatigue", not speed.
2. You don't just start at 22 miles so there must be a build-up phase. You would be safe by adding 1-2 miles per week to your long run, up to an absolute minimum of 15 miles. Depending on your speed, I would recommend stopping most long runs at 2 hours, and never exceeding 3, even if your projected time is 4 hours or slower.
3. Surface. I believe that if you do most of your long runs off-road you recover faster, however you still need some time on roads to simulate the race. Ideally this would be on firm grass or trails that allow you to run at a respectable pace. I've found that many trails, especially those that are hilly, rocky, or at altitude, are run at a pace that is just too slow. If you can only cover 10 miles in 2 hours and hope to break 3 on race day, you might be better off back on the roads.
4. Timing. Outside of the serious competitors, most marathoners don't have the time or desire to be doing long runs year round, so they must time their progression according to the race date. Starting at 10 miles, you should be able to reach 18 miles in 8 weeks.
5. How long? I favor 18 miles as the upper limit for long runs, because the recovery is so much faster than a 20-22 miler and I am not convinced there is any significant added physiological benefit from the longer distance- in fact unless you are an extremely efficient, light weight runner, you may be doing more harm than good.
6. How many? Here is where my opinion varies from most marathon progression programs. I like to build up to 18 miles, and then maintain that distance for 4 consecutive weeks. Ideally, your first 18 miler comes 6 weeks out from your race, and your last one 2 weeks out. That's a little late, but like I said you recover faster from 18 than you do 20, especially since you've already put 3 under your belt. Here is my 16 week progression for weekly long runs beginning with 8 miles:
Week 16: 8 miles
Week 15: 9 miles
Week 14: 10 miles
Week 13: 11 miles
Week 12: 12 miles
Week 11: 13 miles
Week 10: 14 miles
Week 9: 15 miles
Week 8: 16 miles
Week 7: 18 miles
Week 6: 18 miles
Week 5: 18 miles
Week 4: 18 miles
Week 3: 12-13 miles (race simulation)
Week 2: 12 miles
Week 1: 10 miles
I also like 18 miles because the 9 minute per mile runners can still complete the distance in under the 3 hour limit (2 hr 42 min at 9 min pace).
Note the race simulation with 3 weeks remaining. Here is where you test your capability for maintaining marathon pace or faster for about half the distance. This won't prepare you for what's in store the last 6 miles, but can be a big confidence booster none the less. If you can schedule a half marathon race here, do it.
7. The long run is more than just about putting in the distance. Here is where you experiment with shoes, clothing, hydration and what form of calories work best for you (gels, liquid, or something else). Once you get beyond 15 miles, I would break out the shoes I plan to wear on race day for a test run or two, just to make sure nothing unexpected happens after 2 hours in them.
8. WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER ALL LONG RUNS! This is overlooked by the majority of marathoners, but avoiding dehydration is absolutely essential in preventing "the wall." You must try to drink enough to minimize large drops in body weight during long runs (4% or more). If you weigh 150, an acceptable loss would be 3 pounds (2%). Lose more than 6 pounds (4%) by 20 miles and you may have a long 6 miles ahead.
9. BE FLEXIBLE! There are many variations to long run build-ups. For example, Jeff Galloway recommends building up to distances of 26 miles and even longer, allowing a full 2 weeks in between. Hal Higdon uses 20 miles, as do most other programs (the most significant difference is he only suggests 2 runs 18 miles or longer in the last 6 weeks, and I like doing 4).
10. BUY A GPS OR MEASURE! Back in the day before GPSs, I used to estimate miles run based on time and how fast I thought I was running. More often than not I was off by 1 or maybe 2 miles on long runs, usually going shorter than I thought. Unless you measure or have a GPS, your 18 miler may actually be 16!
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
Informative updates and tips for better running, racing, and training. Contact Dave:
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
26 Tips for Marathon Training and Racing: #20- Considering the Workout Plan!
It's time to get to the good stuff! While cross training is a good idea, the majority of your workout time from now on should be devoted to running and recovery. As the weeks go by and your fitness level continues to build, you should be following some kind of progression. Long runs get longer, and intervals (if you do them) get tougher.
There are any number of marathon training programs, some better than others. Here are some key points to remember.
1. BE FLEXIBLE! Vacations, work-related tasks, illness, and family obligations often interfere with running, so you have to be flexible. In any training program, the focus should be on 2 or 3 essential workouts per week. The BIG 3 are long runs, interval sessions, tempo runs and or races. When something comes up, use that as a recovery day and put off your key workout. More often than not, your best race will follow weeks of uninterrupted training. CONSISTENCY!
2. START EARLY! You cannot rush adaptation to training without risk of injury. The general rule is no more than a 10% increase in long runs or weekly miles per week.
3. SET A REALISTIC GOAL! Don't go into this with unrealistic expectations. Generally speaking, marathons fall into one of the following categories:
a. Serious racers: This group includes men who run under 3 hours or women who run under 3 hr 30 min (dependent upon age group- I consider myself pretty serious, but at 54 am finding a sub 3 rather difficult!)
b. Passionate runners: They may train just as hard, but don't have quite the natural ability to lead the pack. Between 3 and 4 hours.
c. Just let me finish: These are runners who for some reason have targeted the marathon as a life-long ambition. They train and hope they can just finish. (over 4 hours)
4. Individualize! Set up a running program around your life, not
the other way around. If time is at a premium, you can be successful at the
marathon running your BIG 3 quality sessions a week!
To help measure your ability to run a marathon, use this chart from that predicts your time based on performance at a shorter distance.
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
There are any number of marathon training programs, some better than others. Here are some key points to remember.
1. BE FLEXIBLE! Vacations, work-related tasks, illness, and family obligations often interfere with running, so you have to be flexible. In any training program, the focus should be on 2 or 3 essential workouts per week. The BIG 3 are long runs, interval sessions, tempo runs and or races. When something comes up, use that as a recovery day and put off your key workout. More often than not, your best race will follow weeks of uninterrupted training. CONSISTENCY!
2. START EARLY! You cannot rush adaptation to training without risk of injury. The general rule is no more than a 10% increase in long runs or weekly miles per week.
3. SET A REALISTIC GOAL! Don't go into this with unrealistic expectations. Generally speaking, marathons fall into one of the following categories:
a. Serious racers: This group includes men who run under 3 hours or women who run under 3 hr 30 min (dependent upon age group- I consider myself pretty serious, but at 54 am finding a sub 3 rather difficult!)
b. Passionate runners: They may train just as hard, but don't have quite the natural ability to lead the pack. Between 3 and 4 hours.
c. Just let me finish: These are runners who for some reason have targeted the marathon as a life-long ambition. They train and hope they can just finish. (over 4 hours)
4. Individualize! Set up a running program around your life, not
the other way around. If time is at a premium, you can be successful at the
marathon running your BIG 3 quality sessions a week!
To help measure your ability to run a marathon, use this chart from that predicts your time based on performance at a shorter distance.
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
Monday, April 28, 2008
26 Tips for Marathon Training and Racing: #21 Goal Setting
Part of running a successful marathon is picking the right race. Your first priority is to allow yourself enough time to prepare. I know of no formula, but my best guess would be that you need a minimum of 6 months to prepare if you are currently running 20 miles per week, 3 months if you are running 40.
One of the best sources for marathon information is
Find a race profile that suits you and your budget. Look at weather (potential for heat) and course profile (hills or flat).
Register early, get your gear lined up; shoes, etc. and get started!
"There is no better motivation to run than a marathon looming in the not too distant future."
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
One of the best sources for marathon information is
Find a race profile that suits you and your budget. Look at weather (potential for heat) and course profile (hills or flat).
Register early, get your gear lined up; shoes, etc. and get started!
"There is no better motivation to run than a marathon looming in the not too distant future."
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
Saturday, April 26, 2008
26 Tips for Marathon Training and Racing #22- Other Running Gear

Be prepared for all kinds of weather you could possibly encounter when selecting running clothes for a marathon. Rain, heat, wind, cold. Unless you are running in a location where the climate factors are known (it's not going to be cold in Miami in August), it's best to have gear ready for all occasions.
Hat: I like to always bring a light weight hat in case of rain or just to keep the sun off of my face and head. Your hat should have a visor and consist of light-weight breathable material (not a hat that retains water and becomes heavy). White is better for a sunny day, otherwise color should not matter.
Shirt: NO COTTON! Wear something that wicks moisture away from that body and that you feel comfortable in. The fit should feel a little loose, preferably but not necessarily sleeveless or a tank top. A common problem with marathons is early morning starts, when the temperature starts cool and begins to warm up. I make it a practice to bring a "throw away" shirt, and wear it until I no longer need it. If it's going to be cold, you are much better off wearing 3 layers of light weight gear than 1 heavy top.
I would only consider tights if the temperatures are forecast to remain 45 degrees or below. I can't tell you how many times I have seen women in particular wearing tights on a day when temperatures climb into the 50s or even 60s. Trust me, your legs are not going to be cold.
Shorts: No rub spots on the inner thighs! Buy shorts made with light-weight nylon, built or other high tech fiber that won't absorb moisture.
Sun Prevention: Sunglasses and sunscreen (at least 30 SPF).
Gloves: If temperatures warrant, don't forget some light-weight gloves. I prefer something inexpensive in case I want to ditch them along the way.
Plastic Garbage Bags: To wear in case you have cool rain prior to starting.
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
Friday, April 25, 2008
26 Tips for Marathon Training and Racing: #23 Inserts

For all of the technology that has gone into the development of running shoes, not much has been done with the removable inserts.
Not everybody, myself included, uses the inserts that come with the shoes. A runner with a high instep, for example, may feel more comfortable with enhanced arch support.
Ever since I had plantar fascia surgery way back in 1980, I've tried various types of support. For years I ran in superfeet, a company that now makes inserts for any number of sports.
Most recently I've been using barefootscience- a nice concept if you can get by the obnoxious Joe Theisman video on the home page. What's unique about these inserts is they come with 6 levels of support- you plug the appropriate reinforcement pad in the bottom. This allows you to increase the level of support for the arch over a period of weeks giving you time to adjust. Whatever you decide, comfort and function are critical.
There are several types of inserts on the market today. Full length, 3/4 length, shock absorbers, arch support, composite, soft, you name it. Like shoes and socks, run plenty of miles in whatever you are using before entering a marathon.
Runners with biomechanical problems or chronic foot or leg pain might be wise to visit a sportsmedicine podiatrist. They can analyze the problem and design custom orthotics that help.
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
26 Tips for Marathon Training and Racing #24: Lacing Up Properly

photo from
Saturday afternoon, John Kagwe of Kenya spotted a new shoe at a running expo, picked up a pair and thus violated a cardinal rule of marathoning: never run in a pair of untried shoes.
He triple-knotted the laces for yesterday's New York City Marathon, but by Mile 3 they had come untied. He stopped to tie the shoes, lost 30 meters on the lead pack and sprinted to catch up. At Mile 10, the same thing happened. Kagwe tended to his troublesome laces, the leaders pulled away and Kagwe exerted precious energy to rejoin them.
Just before Mile 23, as the course leaves Fifth Avenue and enters the exhausting hills of Central Park, Kagwe made his move and drew ahead, only to feel the laces of his right shoe flapping against his leg. The pair of Nike Air Vengeance shoes had come untied a third time. But he could not afford to stop; his slight lead would disappear and so might his chance for winning.
So Kagwe kept running. His shoe stayed on his foot and his lead kept growing until he had crossed the finish line ahead of an estimated 30,500 other runners in 2 hours 8 minutes 12 seconds, the second-fastest time run in New York. It was a remarkable performance over 26.2 miles on a miserably humid, windy and rainy day that left Kagwe only 11 seconds off the course record of 2:08:01 set in 1989 by Juma Ikangaa of Tanzania.
''I could have broken the record if my shoe hadn't bothered me,'' said Kagwe -New York Times, April, 2007
Lacing up shoes properly is important. Lace them up too loose and they may come untied, not to mention your heel possibly sliding up and down. To me, a loose fitting shoe feels noticeably uncomfortable, something I certainly do not want to experience during a marathon.
Lace them too tight, and you run the risk of irritating a nerve, causing pain and numbness. You can also do what I did seveal years ago running the Marine Corps Marathon and develop a nasty break in the skin where the lace is tightest.
The type of foot you have often determines what type of lacing technique will work the best. Check out this article from for some lacing tips.
Always make sure to double tie the knot, don't leave the loop too big (I tripped myself one time on a training run by catching my toe in a big loop on the other shoe), and tuck the long ends in under so you don't step on them.
As with everything else, don't try any new tricks on marathon day.
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
Thursday, April 24, 2008
26 Tips for Marathon Training and Racing: #25- Socks

"The trouble started at 18 with my suck," he said. "It slipped off my foot."
Your "suck"?
"Yes," Bouramdane said. "My suck."
When he removed his right shoe, it became clear Bouramdane was talking about his "sock," as he revealed a nasty red blister on the inside of his big toe. Evidently, the blistering 4:37 mile split Cheruiyot threw at the field at the 18-mile mark was enough to knock Bouramdane's socks off.
The 30-year-old Moroccan, who was making his Boston debut, was unable to keep pace. Worse, he had to endure an 8-mile torture test through the hills as his sock slid off his ankle and past his heel, before gathering around his toes at the end of the race, causing the blister.
But Bouramdane wasn't about to let his wardrobe malfunction dampen his second-place finish - in 2 hours 9 minutes 4 seconds - in his first Hopkinton-to-Boston trek.
-Abderrahime Bouramdane, 2nd place finisher, Boston 2008
Obviously this should never happen, especially to a world class, sponsored runner. Imagine how much pain he would have endured in 4 hours instead of just over 2?
Socks should not be taken for granted, so don't feel guilty about spending a few extra dollars for some good ones. Stay away from 100% cotton- go with one of the double-layer synthetics that won't retain moisture.
I prefer thin socks- you may like something a little thicker. Just like shoes, make sure you do some long runs wearing the socks you will race with.
Check out roadrunnersports for a full inventory of running socks.
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
26 Tips for Marathon Training and Racing: #26- Shoes
Picking out the proper running shoe is one of the most important decisions you'll make in marathon preparation. All of your miles will not make a difference if you come down with a bad blister or rub spot on race day.
You should have 2 pairs of shoes- one for training, and one that you'll be doing the race in. While there are no hard and fast rules, the general consensus is that heavier runners (for arguments sake we will use 170 lbs as a threshold) cannot afford to sacrifice cushioning over weight.
Regardless, make sure to do 3-4 runs longer than 2 hours in the shoes you will be racing in, and that's it. You'll want maximum support without having to worry about fit.
According to, you can run one second per mile faster for every ounce lighter your shoes are. In shorter distances, you can get away with wearing very little support, but over 26 miles the increased trauma from lack of cushioning may not be worth it.
Lighter, faster, efficient runners can probably get away with lighter weight shoes, but you should practice a few race simulation long runs in them to be sure.
I remember reading years ago about how Frank Shorter was up the night before his Olympic victory in Munich shaving extra rubber off of his shoes anywhere he could to save weight.
Tips for buying shoes:
- wear your running socks
- bring inserts if you use them
- make sure the fit is good- one finger width of space at the toe, no sliding in the heel, and no potential "hot" spots
How to buy the right running shoe- some good links here. When in doubt, seek out expert advice.
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
You should have 2 pairs of shoes- one for training, and one that you'll be doing the race in. While there are no hard and fast rules, the general consensus is that heavier runners (for arguments sake we will use 170 lbs as a threshold) cannot afford to sacrifice cushioning over weight.
Regardless, make sure to do 3-4 runs longer than 2 hours in the shoes you will be racing in, and that's it. You'll want maximum support without having to worry about fit.
According to, you can run one second per mile faster for every ounce lighter your shoes are. In shorter distances, you can get away with wearing very little support, but over 26 miles the increased trauma from lack of cushioning may not be worth it.
Lighter, faster, efficient runners can probably get away with lighter weight shoes, but you should practice a few race simulation long runs in them to be sure.
I remember reading years ago about how Frank Shorter was up the night before his Olympic victory in Munich shaving extra rubber off of his shoes anywhere he could to save weight.
Tips for buying shoes:
- wear your running socks
- bring inserts if you use them
- make sure the fit is good- one finger width of space at the toe, no sliding in the heel, and no potential "hot" spots
How to buy the right running shoe- some good links here. When in doubt, seek out expert advice.
(c) Dave Elger 2008 All rights reserved
Ryan Hall- 2 hr 06 min 17 sec
"Up in Mammoth I just like to disappear in the mountains, to be honest. I get more confidence from going out and doing some of the workouts than doing half-marathons or a distance race. So I have been doing what I do best. Living the simple life up in the mountains and pounding it out."
Tiger Woods- "I don't bench"
Czaban noted the terrific shape Woods was in compared to other golfers and asked what he bench-pressed.
"I don't bench," Woods said. "Period."
Czaban asked what he did to develop his chest.
"I might do some flies," Woods said. "Chest press or flies. But it's more of a stretching exercise than a building exercise."
Milwaukee Journal Sentinal Sports
"I don't bench," Woods said. "Period."
Czaban asked what he did to develop his chest.
"I might do some flies," Woods said. "Chest press or flies. But it's more of a stretching exercise than a building exercise."
Milwaukee Journal Sentinal Sports
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Coupeville, Washington- Runner's Paradise
I am now staying in Coupeveille, Washington. Only been here a couple of days, but this place looks like a runner/cyclist paradise. Fort Ebey State Park is a short 3 minute jog from the house, with access to miles and miles of trails. Kettles Park offers even more options.
I have lots of exploring to do. map
I have lots of exploring to do. map
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Boston Marathon April 21

Lance runs 2 hr 50:58- interview here
"Boston is a huge event in the world of marathoning. I hope to do at least two marathons per year. Boston was a pleasant surprise. I expected the crowds to be great but they were about ten times what I expected."
top finishers by division
top 100 overall
Course guide
Monday, April 21, 2008
Women's Olympic Trials - April 20
athlete bios
interview with winner Deena Kastor
interview with Magdalina Lewy Boulet- 2nd Place
interview with Blake Russell- 3rd Place
50 year old Joan Samuelson runs 2 hr 49:08 for an American age group record!- interview
athlete bios
interview with winner Deena Kastor
interview with Magdalina Lewy Boulet- 2nd Place
interview with Blake Russell- 3rd Place
50 year old Joan Samuelson runs 2 hr 49:08 for an American age group record!- interview
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A Day in the Life of Deena Kastor- Professional Runner
NYRR: You have said many times that the ancillary factors in your recovery and rest are just as important as the training itself. How about you describe a sample day in Deena Kastor’s life?
DK: Okay, I’ll give today as an example. We work out at 8:30 a.m. every day. Before the workout, my husband Andrew stretches me out. For about an hour, we go through a stretch routine and do any strengthening exercises that I have to keep on top of. On a weekly basis, we [runners] get little imbalances, one calf being stronger than the other, or a hamstring getting weak. For instance this morning, I had to do some left hamstring exercises before practice, to get it firing. It’s important to be attuned to changes on a daily basis.
Then, I get my bag packed for practice. The weather varies, so I want to be prepared for everything. I pack a big bag filled with clothes and food. Today we did 5 X 1-mile, and 2 X 800 [meters], so I needed to make sure I had some proteins and carbohydrates in my body right away to start the recovery process.
When I get home, I eat a little something when I’m in an ice bath [laughing], and then after sitting in the cold water for 10-15 minutes, I get a massage. Some days, I get acupuncture as well, or chiropractic. Then, I take a nap, which is also important for the recovery process so that your body is resting up for the next workout.
When I get up from a nap, then we’re off to gym for strength work, which we have emphasized greatly this year, getting in the weight room and doing drills, plyometrics, weight lifting, and core work. After that we go for a 4- to 6-mile run, and then we go home and refuel again, and get to bed early to prepare ourselves for the next day. So, the days are pretty monotonous and regimented. There isn’t much room to do errands and that [laughing], so you need a willing spouse or someone to help out. Being a professional runner is a full-time job
full article
DK: Okay, I’ll give today as an example. We work out at 8:30 a.m. every day. Before the workout, my husband Andrew stretches me out. For about an hour, we go through a stretch routine and do any strengthening exercises that I have to keep on top of. On a weekly basis, we [runners] get little imbalances, one calf being stronger than the other, or a hamstring getting weak. For instance this morning, I had to do some left hamstring exercises before practice, to get it firing. It’s important to be attuned to changes on a daily basis.
Then, I get my bag packed for practice. The weather varies, so I want to be prepared for everything. I pack a big bag filled with clothes and food. Today we did 5 X 1-mile, and 2 X 800 [meters], so I needed to make sure I had some proteins and carbohydrates in my body right away to start the recovery process.
When I get home, I eat a little something when I’m in an ice bath [laughing], and then after sitting in the cold water for 10-15 minutes, I get a massage. Some days, I get acupuncture as well, or chiropractic. Then, I take a nap, which is also important for the recovery process so that your body is resting up for the next workout.
When I get up from a nap, then we’re off to gym for strength work, which we have emphasized greatly this year, getting in the weight room and doing drills, plyometrics, weight lifting, and core work. After that we go for a 4- to 6-mile run, and then we go home and refuel again, and get to bed early to prepare ourselves for the next day. So, the days are pretty monotonous and regimented. There isn’t much room to do errands and that [laughing], so you need a willing spouse or someone to help out. Being a professional runner is a full-time job
full article
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Joan Samuelson's Final Marathon- Olympic Trials at 50!
Joan Samuelson is 50? What an inspiration and what a talent. In case you don't know who she is, Joan is an Olympic Gold Medalist (1984- inagural women's marathon), and former marathon world record holder. Never run a marathon OVER 3 hours. Who competes in the Olympic Trials at 50 years of age?
Read more about Joan in this great article from the Boston Globe.
Read more about Joan in this great article from the Boston Globe.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Is Buster Martin a Fake?
Seems to be discrepency over the actual age of Buster Martin- who claims to be 101. Buster finished the London Marathon in something over 10 hours.
Guinness World Records had refused to verify his claim to be the oldest marathon runner. Now it has emerged why the world record guardians will not be featuring Mr Martin in its celebrated publication. Internal correspondence between senior officials at the organisation, obtained by The Times, shows that Guinness has evidence that Mr Martin is a mere spring chicken of just 94.
Guinness World Records had refused to verify his claim to be the oldest marathon runner. Now it has emerged why the world record guardians will not be featuring Mr Martin in its celebrated publication. Internal correspondence between senior officials at the organisation, obtained by The Times, shows that Guinness has evidence that Mr Martin is a mere spring chicken of just 94.
Carbohydrate Rinse Improves 1 Hr Cycling Performance

This is an interesting piece of research that discovered an increase in cycling performance by subjects who used a carbohydrate rinse (no injestion) compared to a water rinse. Seven cyclists were asked to do a set amount of work during 2 trials. They averaged 59.57 minutes on a carbohydrate rinse trial vs 61.37 minutes on the water rinse trial.
I have no idea if it helped or not, but I popped a few hard candies during the Moab Marathon and didn't run too bad. Seems to make sense- a few extra calories plus the taste may provide a bigger boost than one might expect. I am waiting to see another study that looks into the mechanism.
For more information, go to pponline.
No Time To Train? Check out these Low Mileage Plans
Bruce Tulloh, European 5,000 meter champion in 1962, lays out a low-mile training plan on peak performance online that includes 4 workouts per week:
Tues: 10 mins warm-up, 10 x 45 secs uphill fast, 10 mins warm-down
Thurs: 6-mile run, including 3 x 8 mins fast, 2 mins jog (10k pace)
Sat: 10 mins warm-up, 2 x 15 mins threshold pace (2 mins recovery)
Sun: 8-10 mile run, starting slow, finishing faster
Total mileage 24-26
Here is my version of a low mile marathon training plan:
Tues: 10 min warm-up, 6 x 800 meters, progressing to 10, full 3
min recovery, 10 min cool-down
Thurs: 10 mile run pace determined how you feel. Some marathon
pace tempo in the middle (5-10 minutes x 2-3 times, but not
if you are tired) but don't force it.
Sat: build up to 2- 3 hours easy
25-35 miles
Tues: 10 mins warm-up, 10 x 45 secs uphill fast, 10 mins warm-down
Thurs: 6-mile run, including 3 x 8 mins fast, 2 mins jog (10k pace)
Sat: 10 mins warm-up, 2 x 15 mins threshold pace (2 mins recovery)
Sun: 8-10 mile run, starting slow, finishing faster
Total mileage 24-26
Here is my version of a low mile marathon training plan:
Tues: 10 min warm-up, 6 x 800 meters, progressing to 10, full 3
min recovery, 10 min cool-down
Thurs: 10 mile run pace determined how you feel. Some marathon
pace tempo in the middle (5-10 minutes x 2-3 times, but not
if you are tired) but don't force it.
Sat: build up to 2- 3 hours easy
25-35 miles
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Buster Martin- Marathoner at 101?

Amazing story about Brit Buster Martin running the London Marathon at 101 years of age.
"I've been smoking since I was seven," he said. "When I get to the line, if there isn't a pint of beer there waiting for me I'll want to know why.
"I'm not worried about the fags because I'll carry them with me. Everyone says smoking kills but it's taking a long time in my case. I don't change. If I do, I will make myself ill." -The Daily Mail
Energy Bar or Snickers?

Good study here that looked at the effects on blood sugar of 2 different energy bars, Snickers, and bread. “Though blood glucose rates peaked at 30 minutes with both bars, the high-carbohydrate energy bar - the PowerBar - caused a much sharper decline,” Hertzler said. “In fact, the decline was sharper than with the candy bar.” -from MD Sports Weblog
Friday, April 11, 2008
Last Minute Marathon

Call me crazy but I just registered for the Moab Marathon this Saturday.
A little 4 mile prerace hike the day before.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Alan Webb Drops out at Carlsbad
You think by the time an athlete reaches a world class level coaches and athletes themselves would know how to avoid bad races. Unfortunately, that is certainly not the case, as evidenced by American mile record holder Alan Webb's second bad one in a row.
He dropped out of the Carlsbad 5000 last weekend after getting dropped by the lead pack, leaving him and his coach scratching their heads about what is going on.
"He, like everybody else, is going to have setbacks from time to time," Raczko said. "When you're trying to train at such a high level, sometimes you bonk a little bit, I guess." - Scotto Raczko, Alan Webb's coach
The talented Webb seems to have a history of running very well or very bad- not much in between. Last month he finished a disappointing 16th at the 8K national championship road race.
Training, nutrition, cross-training, and tapering all play a role, along with any number of unknown factors. Not as easy at it seems to go out there and perform at a high level every time.
He dropped out of the Carlsbad 5000 last weekend after getting dropped by the lead pack, leaving him and his coach scratching their heads about what is going on.
"He, like everybody else, is going to have setbacks from time to time," Raczko said. "When you're trying to train at such a high level, sometimes you bonk a little bit, I guess." - Scotto Raczko, Alan Webb's coach
The talented Webb seems to have a history of running very well or very bad- not much in between. Last month he finished a disappointing 16th at the 8K national championship road race.
Training, nutrition, cross-training, and tapering all play a role, along with any number of unknown factors. Not as easy at it seems to go out there and perform at a high level every time.
Dave's Training Log April 6-12
Sunday, April 6
am: easy 5 mile jog with Sumo
Monday, April 7
am: 5 mile jog with Sumo, then 6 miles
total= 11 miles
Tuesday, April 8
am: 5 miles with Sumo, then 6 x 800 all under 3 min, 2 min rest (200 meter jog)
1/2 mile cool down. total = 9 miles
Wednesay, April 9
am: 14 total miles of trail jog/hike 2 hrs 40 min
Thursday, April 10
am: 3 miles easy with Sumo
Friday, April 11
am: 4 mile hike/jog
Saturday, April 12
am: 26 miles! I ran the low key Moab Marathon this morning- hit the half in 1 hr 31 and finished up in 3 hr 07. Not too bad considering I had no plans to run a marathon until I came across this on Wed. Beautiful course.
total=72 miles
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Back On My Feet
Read how Anne Mahllum has used running to change the lives of homeless in Philadelphia. What a great story!
The first day, Mahlum led nine shelter residents in a mile-long run. Today, Back on My Feet has teams in three Philadelphia shelters, including 54 homeless members and more than 250 volunteers. The group has logged more than 5,000 miles.
The first day, Mahlum led nine shelter residents in a mile-long run. Today, Back on My Feet has teams in three Philadelphia shelters, including 54 homeless members and more than 250 volunteers. The group has logged more than 5,000 miles.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Lack of Exercise May Cause Disease

The researchers found that after two weeks of no exercise and very little activity, participants had much higher levels of glucose and fat and took a much longer time to clear the substances from their blood streams than before. The longer it takes the body to clear the blood stream of the substances, the higher the likelihood that a person will develop diabetes or other chronic diseases.
"We used to think that it is healthy to be physically active, but this study shows that it is dangerous to be inactive for just a couple of weeks," said Bente Klarlund Pedersen, co-author and lead investigator of the study and professor of internal medicine and director of Centre of Inflammation and Metabolism at the University of Copenhagen
Imagine what happens to people who do NO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY!
Ultra Marathoners Should Hydrate Early
A study out of Taiwan found that the majority of fluid loss during an ultra marathon occurs in the initial 4 hours.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Dave's Training Log March 30-April 5
Sunday, March 30
am: 30 min with Sumo, then 2 hrs- estimate 17 miles
Monday, March 31
am: 50 min of trail with Sumo- jog/hike 4 miles
Tuesday, April 1
am: 3 miles with Sumo, 8 x 800 on track, last 6 in 2:58. 2 min recovery (200 m) 1 mile cool down total=9 miles
Wednesday, April 2
am: 6 miles with Sumo, then 10 miles on trails, some climbing.
total=16 miles
Thursday, April 3
am: 5 miles with Sumo- legs are beat!
Friday, April 4
am: 3 mile easy with Sumo
Saturday, April 5
am: 1 mile warm-up Provo Half Marathon
wind was brutal between 2 and 6 miles. Feel like I still have room to improve.
1 278 Shin NOZAKI 01:11:20.68
2 196 Alexander PACHEV 01:13:19.13
3 655 Heath THURSTON 01:20:44.51
4 151 Drew JOHNSON 01:21:34.85
5 218 Kara BANKHEAD 01:21:39.60
6 168 Joshua MELVER 01:22:45.37
7 683 Dave ELGER 01:25:35.30
8 430 Rolando SANJINEZ 01:26:05.67
9 302 Richard BORGET 01:26:47.29
11 310 Michelle LOWRY 01:27:09.13
full results don't know what happened to 10th
14 total mile
Weekly total 68
am: 30 min with Sumo, then 2 hrs- estimate 17 miles
Monday, March 31
am: 50 min of trail with Sumo- jog/hike 4 miles
Tuesday, April 1
am: 3 miles with Sumo, 8 x 800 on track, last 6 in 2:58. 2 min recovery (200 m) 1 mile cool down total=9 miles
Wednesday, April 2
am: 6 miles with Sumo, then 10 miles on trails, some climbing.
total=16 miles
Thursday, April 3
am: 5 miles with Sumo- legs are beat!
Friday, April 4
am: 3 mile easy with Sumo
Saturday, April 5
am: 1 mile warm-up Provo Half Marathon
wind was brutal between 2 and 6 miles. Feel like I still have room to improve.
1 278 Shin NOZAKI 01:11:20.68
2 196 Alexander PACHEV 01:13:19.13
3 655 Heath THURSTON 01:20:44.51
4 151 Drew JOHNSON 01:21:34.85
5 218 Kara BANKHEAD 01:21:39.60
6 168 Joshua MELVER 01:22:45.37
7 683 Dave ELGER 01:25:35.30
8 430 Rolando SANJINEZ 01:26:05.67
9 302 Richard BORGET 01:26:47.29
11 310 Michelle LOWRY 01:27:09.13
full results don't know what happened to 10th
14 total mile
Weekly total 68
Footstrike Analysis of Elite Runners
....from The Science of Sport
If you are currently a heel striker, should you convert to a mid or forefoot striker? This study from Japan gives some insight into how elite runners do it- the results are not what you might think!
The vast majority (75%) of the elite runners land on the heel
About 1 in four (24%) runners landed on the mid-foot
Only 4 out of 283 runners landed on the forefoot
If you are currently a heel striker, should you convert to a mid or forefoot striker? This study from Japan gives some insight into how elite runners do it- the results are not what you might think!
The vast majority (75%) of the elite runners land on the heel
About 1 in four (24%) runners landed on the mid-foot
Only 4 out of 283 runners landed on the forefoot
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