Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can The Common Cold be Cured?

Probably not, but there is some evidence that you can shorten it.

Researchers at Charité -- University Medicine Berlin were the first to show that a specific food supplement made from fruit and vegetable juice concentrates significantly reduced the number of days with severe cold symptoms.
-ScienceDaily.com The secret? Juice Plus, a fruit and vegetable concentrate.

I just have 2 questions- who paid for this research and can V-8 produce the same results?

According to webmd.com, Researchers aren't clear about the exact role saunas play in prevention, but one 1989 German study found that people who steamed twice a week got half as many colds as those who didn't. One theory: When you take a sauna you inhale air hotter than 80 degrees, a temperature too hot for cold and flu viruses to survive. That's good enough for me. I've been in the sauna twice in the last 3 days.

Other remedies include Vitamin C and Zinc. I'm taking 4,000 mg of Vitamin C and 30 mg of zinc daily.

I'm drinking low sodium V-8 but only in the morning.

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